We are an approved Training Practice - Dr Peter Niemczuk is our accredited GP Trainer assisted by other GP's known as Associate Trainers.
A GP Registrar is a FULLY QUALIFIED DOCTOR having completed several years of hospital training, they may join us for an attachment of several months between hospital jobs or join us for a final year to complete their specialist GP training.
Foundation Programme Doctor
As a training practice we are sometimes joined by a foundation programme doctor for a few months. He or she is a FULLY QUALIFIED DOCTOR having usually completed at least one year of hospital training. Foundation doctors are not training to be GPs but attached as part of the junior doctor training. They join us to learn general skills and gain a greater understanding of the practice of medicine in different settings.
We are also involved with the training of student doctors from Cambridge University Medical School. When you make an appointment you may be asked if you mind seeing a student doctor. If you agree to this you will always be seen by your GP as well.
It is very important that student doctors have the opportunity to get involved in the care of real patients and we are always grateful if you are able to help. However we do understand that this is not always possible and if you do feel uncomfortable about seeing a student doctor please tell the receptionist or your GP We will always respect your wishes and this will not affect your care in any way. For more information about the training of student doctors in the surgery, please take a leaflet from reception.